Wall mural shines a light on the community

Local artists have completed the wall mural outside KFM in Denmark Hill. Local girl and KFM Supply Chain Development Lead, Debra Buckland, came up with the design. Debra was in fact born in 1983 at King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust in the Ruskin Wing. 

Debra explains why she was keen to get involved: “The hospital is so important to me and is a key part in my family. My mum works here, my son was born here and when my dad had his stroke it was King’s that saved his life. I wanted to celebrate King’s by highlighting the communities the hospital serves. Each of the icons in the piece represents one of the local areas King’s looks after. I figured that as King’s has been such a big part of my life, it probably has been to many other families in the local area.”

The mural is a great opportunity for us to say thank you to our NHS colleagues for all their hard work, and also showcase the diverse local community King’s College Hospital and KFM serve.


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