KFM 'bots' support King's transfer from Bank Partners in-house

In early September, KFM provided a technology solution which supported King's in moving their temporary staffing services in-house.

As part of the project to bring these services in-house, the team were faced with a tight deadline to manually process 5,000 worker profiles and 5,000 payroll records on to ESR, the Trust’s payroll system.

The Trust therefore enlisted the help of KFM's Digital Automation team, who used Robotic Process Automation (RPA) technology to complete the job within two weeks, a service no other supplier was able to provide. Had the work been done manually, this would have been in excess of 100 days work for a person to complete.

Bibi Aktarun, HR Admin and Payroll Contract Manager, at King's, said: "RPA has assisted us tremendously to meet our deadlines to transfer all of our bank staff to ESR for our 7th November, 2022 deadline.

The script was built to create additional assignments and rehires, completing both HR Admin and Payroll administration. They helped us create several thousand records that needed to be added to ensure payments could be processed for bank workers for the go-live date. KFM's Digital Automation team were quick to help and create the script in a very tight time frame and we are now able to use this process as part of our standard operation procedure for on-boarding additional bank assignments for substantive staff and rehires. Not only has this saved us a huge amount of time during the project, but it will save us considerable time in the future too."

By KFM automating four robots or ‘bots’ to operate 24/7, 416 staff hours have been saved in the process, freeing up colleagues from a time consuming task and eliminating any risk of human errors.

Today, the bots continue to work in the background supporting the Trust’s HR and Payroll processes, allowing staff to focus their time on other HR operations.


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