Outpatient Pharmacy: for Patients

KFM is a wholly owned subsidiary of King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and aim to deliver a patient focused service. We manage the Outpatient Pharmacy service based at Denmark Hill, on behalf of the Trust.

We’re here to help. Our friendly and welcoming team provide outstanding patient care, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year. Did you know…

Our team dispenses 163,000 items annually

We dispensed over 80,000 prescriptions last year

29% of our patients come from Emergency Department

We do not dispense FP10 prescriptions (green prescriptions), these are dispensed by local community pharmacies

Aside from filling prescriptions, we also offer:  

⬡ Free health advice 

⬡ Free medication advice and counselling 

⬡ Private prescriptions 

⬡ Access to a range of over-the-counter medicines such as cold and flu relief  


Where to find us 

The Outpatient Pharmacy is the porta cabin located on Denmark Hill. 

KFM Outpatient Pharmacy opening times: 
Monday to Friday: 08:00 – 21:00 
Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays: 09:00 – 17:00
Contact Number: 020 3299 6874 (dispensary) or
020 3299 1878 (patient deliveries, between 10:00 - 18:00, Monday - Friday, excluding Bank Holidays)

Outpatient pharmacy prescription journey for Collection

  • 1. Screening

    A pharmacist needs to check that your prescription is safe and legal

  • 2. Labelling

    Labels are generated for each item on your prescription

  • 3. Dispensing

    The labels are checked against your prescription and each is dispensed

  • 4. Checking

    A final check is required to ensure your prescription is correct

  • 5. Collection

    An SMS will be sent to your mobile phone to collect your medication

Patient Feedback

Patients wanting to provide feedback, can do so by accessing PALs:

Online: PALS contact form (https://www.kch.nhs.uk/patientsvisitors/help-and-support/pals

Email: kch-tr.palsdh@nhs.net 

Phone: 020 3299 3601, 9am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday (except bank holidays) 

Post: Patient Advice and Liaison Service, King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Denmark Hill, London SE5 9RS 

Visit: The PALS office is on the ground floor of Hambleden Wing, near the main Bessemer  

Road entrance: We're open 9am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday. If you are being treated on another King's site and cannot make it to our office, please phone us. We will arrange a time to visit you 


Alternatively, patients can contact KFM directly using the details below: 

Email: KFM Patient Queries or

Phone: 0203 299 6874

Staff details: Superintendent Pharmacist, Salma Aziz

GpHC Registration: 9010727