Michael Charles & Greg Stansil, Radiology IT Analysts, DMH

Michael and Greg receiving their Team of the Month certificate and vouchers from Andy Lockwood

KFM was very pleased to receive a nomination from the Trust’s Radiology department for Michael and Greg, two of our Radiology IT Analysts, to be considered for KFM’s November Team of the Month Award.

It is great when the contribution of our staff to front-line service delivery is recognised
The nomination for Michael and Greg was to recognise:

  • Going the extra mile to overcome problems and support clinicians

  • Working beyond their paid hours, for example to install EPR over the weekend

  • Always staying cheerful and helpful

Michael and Greg beat stiff competition from colleagues for the award in November by demonstrating two key KFM values:

  • Working Together Gets it Done

  • Positive Energy Delivers Results

Fun Fact!

One of the above three KFM employees has been ‘scouted’ by the Storm Modelling Agency three times.

Clue: it isn’t Michael; so is it:

  • Greg?

  • Andy?

The Radiology IT Analysts sometimes find themselves caught between competing priorities …. so all credit to Michael & Greg for providing great customer service to KCH, our aspiration across our services.
— Andy Lockwood, KFM Managing Director

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